Sunday, October 06, 2013

Research Assistant??

Alhmdulillah Syukur kepada Allah kerana masih menghidupkan kita semua dalam kasih sayangNYA :) Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana sememangnya semuanya indah jika disandarkan kepadaMU.

Starting to work as a research assistant (RA) at UKM Kl since 2 September 2013. Initially, before start to work, I have been searching on the internet for job scope as an RA. Unfortunately , not too many post talking and give a clear view about that. Here is some sharing from me regarding RA.

RA (research assistant) is a title goes to people who only work under the grant but not registered as a student yet. While GRA (graduate research assistant) goes to person whom become a student either master @phd under the university and at the same time work under the grant. There is no big differences between RA and GRA, it is just that it might be different in term of salary. The salary for would be between Rm1600 up to 2000 per. However, this salary depends on what types of grant they are working for (FRGS etc) and your academic qualification.

The job description actually totally depends to the head of Grant (doctor/prof etc). As for my job scope:

  1. I need to send master/PhD student's manuscript to the selected publisher. A month or few months after submission of the manuscript, if there is no problem, the manuscript would be published as a journal. To learn how to send manuscript is not a big deal as there is a guide for authors before submission of the manuscript. Actually, it is so easy . Insya Allah in the next session I would brief  a little bit on how to find a suitable journal before sending the manuscript.
  2. My second jobscope would be helping my Prof organized any workshop@pilot study on this grant.
  3. At the same time, I'm helping my Prof to do the related claim as well as some reports pertaining this grant, which I'm working with.
  4. Help in making grant application-as for those who want to continue study especially in the research field, it is such a good experience to know about the procedure.
There are certain  RA@GRA that needs to read and find out journal for the grant's study purposes. That jobscope is familiar as an RA. But this still depend to the Prof who you are working with.


 As for me, I am able to attend any workshop under UKM for free (but with my Prof's permission). All the knowledge gained is very important for further research studies. The RA also would have flexible time to work. At the same time, if your Prof is easy going, It would be more easy for you to do your work.

The shortest contract would be 3 months, follow by 6 months and everytime you finished your contract, actually you can renew it. But this is also depending on the duration of the grant. Your work would finish once the grant finished.

It is depend on you. As for me, the grant that I am working now is mainly research done by the lecturer. So, I am free to continue my study whether under this prof with new grant@ at another university.
If you wish to further study your under your Prof straightway, it might be no problem. Consult your Prof for further action.

Hope helps.

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