Sunday, June 21, 2020

My experience as a manuscript reviewer

Today; 21 June 2020, I've got another invitation to review a manuscript from Scientific Reports (IF: 4.120). I accepted this invitation as the title is within my research interest and related to my recently published paper. I'm really excited to read the manuscript and hope to give them some constructive comments and/or opinion to help them improve their manuscript, In sha Allah. Today, let me walk you through the process and I will also share with you a little bit on other relevant info as a reviewer.

What is a reviewer?
A reviewer is a person who writes critical appraisals of a manuscript for a publication. You hold a big responsibility to help the editorial board of that particular journal whether to accept, reject or accept the manuscript with revision. 

How many time I have been invited as a reviewer?
Throughout my DPhil (Oct 2016 - June 2020), I've received quite lots of invitation to review paper. Of all, I only accepted 4 manuscripts. The reasons are because I'm to busy with my DPhil, the topic is not really relevant to my research interest and I just don't have time to review a manuscript. In sha Allah, I think I will start to accept more review paper from now on so that I can build more experience on this platform :) Please pray for me

What are the benefits of being a reviewer?
I love to emphasize that this is absolutely voluntary and you will not get paid to review the manuscript. Of course, you can get some advantages including:

  1. You can make interesting and valuable contacts with Editorial board members who are the recognized experts in your subject(s). This may help you in the further research practice and academic growth, for example, to receive grants or to be a faculty member.
  2. Also being a reviewer is self-satisfaction. If you are invited to be reviewer it means that you became an expert in your area.
  3. Establish your expertise in the field and expand your knowledge.
  4. You will be aware of the latest methods and trends in your area of expertise.
  5. You can improve your editing and writing skills, master new styles of writing.
  6. Enhance your critical thinking experience that can lead to new conceptions in your own work.
  7. Improve your reputation and increase your exposure to key figures in the field.
  8. The peer reviewer is a big advance to your carrier. You will become acquainted with the editorial process inside and it will help to publish your own articles in the future.
You can read further from the link above. 

How would the editorial board identify you as a suit person to review the manuscript?
1. The editorial board identify me as the person of interest from my previous collaborations paper 
     --In 2018, I have two published paper as co-authors.
     --Few months after that I got my first invitation to review paper 
2. The editorial board identify me as the person of interest from my own papers (1st author paper)
     --In 2018, I published 2 editorials where I was the first author
     --Few months after that, I receive two consecutive invitation as a reviewer which I accepted.

3. There is also possibility that you will receive invitation to review a manuscript even though you don't have any paper. How can that happen? It can happen when: 
    --somebody recommends your name for the editorial board. 
    --when the editorial board spot your interest related to the title of the manuscript

What is the email invitation looks like: 
 I received the email this morning. After reading the title, I accepted the invitation. Despite my limited time, I'm really excited to read the manuscript. :). You can choose to accept or decline the offer. No pressure to accept the invitation as this is absolutely voluntary. 

Scientific Reports, June 2020

Last December, I also accepted another invitation as a reviewer and alhamdulillah the paper is now published.

Pediatric Research, Dec 2019. Invitation accepted and the paper has been published

That's all for this time. Let me know if you want to know more and in sha Allah I will create another post on this topic.

Love :)


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