Friday, November 29, 2019

Count Your Blessings: Post 1

Assalamualaikum my dearest readers

Good morning here from Oxford, UK.


This will be a new theme for my current post and future post in sha Allah. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my life and how I can use whatever I have; my skills, my time to be more beneficial to others. Alhamdulillah Allah was answering my dua' even without I realising it. That was when I got the idea of writing a post on "Count Your Blessings".

How do I know that Allah is answering my dua'?

Last week I was handling a teenage girl with depression. Well, she's 20 years old, just started her life at the university and now on anti-depressant pills! Living far away from Malaysia, I keep thinking of what can I do to help her.  I came up with the idea to talk and follow up with her, possibly every day, in sha Allah, and that's what I'm doing till today. When I talked to her, trying to understand and find the causal of her depression, I noticed lots of things. I initially couldn't digest how come she was really in the state of depression. Day by day then only I realised, things that might be easy for me to handle during my teenage life might be so difficult to handle by other people. Everybody is not the same in handling stress and Allah has given me the opportunity to help her. I'm so blessed to be part of her life and I thought I should start sharing whatever I have and experienced in my life about blessings. The power of being a grateful person will really transform our lives to become a better Muslim and be more positive in so many ways.

Hopefully, this little effort might touch someone heart or even lead my dearest readers to keep count your blessings.

May Allah eases my path, in sha Allah..


Image result for be grateful and allah will increase you

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